Avertissement : cette carte n’est pas opérationnelle en environnement de développement. Elle sera implémentée sur le site web Epos-France après mise en ligne.

Interactive map of permanent networks distributed by Epos-France

In addition to the permanent networks that form the core of the observation branch of the former French seismological and geodetic network Résif (RLBP, RAP, Rénag, permanent gravimeters), you will find on this map the permanent networks whose data are distributed by the Résif information system. The map is updated monthly (on the 15th of the month).

By default, seismological networks are displayed, but you can choose which network(s) to display in the hamburger menu at the top right of each map. For some networks, precise information is available for each station (such as station code, operator, location). You can view this information by clicking on the station icon.

Point rouge matérialisant une station sismologique sur la carte interactive Seismological stations are marked with a red dot.

Point bleu matérialisant une station GNSS sur la carte interactive gnss stations are marked with a blue dot.

Point vert matérialisant une station gravimétrique sur la carte interactive Gravity stations are marked with a green dot.


Géoscope is a worldwide network, ND is located in New Caledonia and CL in the Gulf of Corinth in Greece. To view these networks, change the scale of the metropolitan map.

Data from all networks is open, with the exception of GNSS data from the Geodata/Orpheon network, which is conditionally accessible for scientific applications. Read more.

Metropolitan France and world


Sébastien Benahmed, Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées

West Indies

Reunion and Mayotte